Want an easier way to plan your weekly meals?

The Delish List is your simple solution to quickly & easily plan weekly meals that you and your family WILL LOVE (with all your favorite recipes at your fingertips).

>> Yes, I need Delish List NOW!

"My life has totally changed for the better. I started to dread meal planning because it wasn't all in one spot. Delish List makes it so much easier to plan your meals as well as make your grocery list!!!"

- Sara N.

Deciding what to make for dinner should be way easier (and way more fun).

You enjoy feeding your family & making your table a place for community, but coming up with a weekly meal plan that meets all of your needs can feel so draining.

After all, there are a lot of things you're thinking about when you're trying to make your meal plan each week:

  • What are my family's favorite foods to eat?
  • How can I make sure there's variety? And that the foods I make are nutritious?
  • What's our schedule like, and what do I need to plan our meals around?
  • What ingredients do I have on hand that I want to use up this week?

Every week, your thumb racks up frequent flyer miles scrolling through Pinterest, your brain goes into overdrive trying to make decisions, and you spend WAY too long making your meal plan & your grocery list...

...but doggone it, even so, you just absolutely refuse to give in and use a boring, generic meal planning system that feels confining and constraining.

(Sheesh, I don't blame you!)

What if it only took a few minutes each week to plan meals that you and your family would be excited about?

And, one that works perfectly with your weekly rhythms & routines? Without having to give in to that boring, confining, generic meal planning system?!

Friend, what if you could EASILY...

...incorporate variety of flavors & and new recipes into your weekly meal plan without spending tons of time each week scrolling through Pinterest for fresh ideas?

...keep track of allllll of your regular & favorite recipes so you don't have to reinvent the wheel every single week when you're trying to remember what foods you & your family love to eat?

...plan your weekly meals in just a few minutes, REGARDLESS of your schedule? Need to plan this week's meals around soccer practice, dance rehearsals, church potluck, neighbors coming over for supper & game night, and celebrating Junior's birthday? NO PROBLEM!

...focus on the fun of cooking & building community at your dinner table without all the decision-fatigue that comes with figuring out what to make each week?

What if meal planning wasn't stressful anymore and was actually...fun?

Meet your new meal planning BFF.

Delish List is the simple meal planning solution for women who love to feed their people but can't stand spending SO MUCH TIME each week figuring out what to make.

With Delish List, I'll show you how to customize a big master list of meals you and your family LOVE, and then show you how to use it to easily & quickly plan your weekly meals around your family's routines & schedules.

Once you create your Delish List, we're talkin' 5-10 minutes TOPS each week to plan your meals.


"I love this! There's so much value in this product. This will be such a helpful tool to keep my recipes organized."

- Rachel B.

Ready to change your meal planning life?!

Choose your best option:

Delish List Starter Pack

  • Delish List Step-by-Step Guide
  • Quick video tutorials to help you create your Delish List from beginning to end
  • Meal & Side Dish Ideas
  • Blank Delish List Template (without recipes)
  • Printable Master Grocery List Template
  • Printable Family Favorites Cheat Sheet Template

When you purchase, You will receive a DIGITAL product. Nothing will be physically mailed to you. (Which means you can get started right away! 😃)

Note: The Starter Pack is perfect for you if you already have a wide selection of recipes and don't need to add in any new or fresh ideas to your weekly meals. It'll help you quickly & easily organize the recipes you already have so you can save time meal planning each week!

Delish List Deluxe Pack - best value!

  • Delish List Step-by-Step Guide
  • Quick video tutorials to help you create your Delish List from beginning to end
  • Meal & Side Ideas List
  • Done-for-You Delish List Template (with fully organized & categorized list of over 350 highly rated recipes)
  • EDITABLE & printable Master Grocery List Template (fully customizable - customize it once to your grocery list preferences and then use it week after week!)
  • EDITABLE & printable Family Favorites Cheat Sheet Templates (includes 4 designs to choose from)
  • BONUS: List of my favorite go-to quick weeknight family meals (+ links to the recipes)
  • BONUS: Pretty Weekly Meal Plan Printables (4 designs included)

When you purchase, You will receive a DIGITAL product. Nothing will be physically mailed to you. (Which means you can get started right away! 😃)

Note: The Deluxe Pack is perfect for you if you want to easily add new inspriation to your go-to meals. Quick and easy recipes for families in a variety of categories.

"Using the Delish List guide and searching for meals on the Trello app (where the Delish List is housed) saved me HOURS of time that I had previously spent trying to compile a variety of delicious and healthy meals each week.

This entire product is so exhaustive and completely erases the guess-work. The Delish list guide is truly the 'one stop shop' that you didn't know you needed. I 100% highly recommend!"

- Kayla J.

Are you one of those gals who spends an hour or more (i.e. WAY TOO LONG) each week figuring out your meals?

It doesn't have to be that way. I can easily help you reduce that to a 5-10 minute window for meal planning each week, even on the weeks when you have a lot to plan around in your schedule!

Lend me part of a Saturday afternoon (or whatever day you sit down to work on this!) to build your Delish List, and I'll essentially give you back 45 hours of your year. EVERY YEAR.

You're welcome. 😉

With my E.A.T. philosophy behind this simple process...

...it's easy to create AND implement your Delish List! Plan your meals each week with minimal time, stress, and brain power!

...you'll be able to plan your weekly meals with recipes that actually apply to the way you and your family eat. No more random meal planning systems that don’t work with the foods your family enjoys!

...you can look forward to your weekly meals! The hope of the Delish List is for you to easily incorporate tasty meals with lots of flavor and variety, so that you don’t get stuck in a rut of making the same meals over and over again.

And, your Delish List will help you do WAY more than just plan your everyday main dishes each week.

Because it's specifically designed to help women who love to feed others (yes, feeding people is totally a love language), your Delish List will help you organize & keep track of ALL the other recipes you might make somewhat routinely:

  • Breakfasts & lunches
  • Meals & snacks when you're having company
  • Favorites for holidays, celebrations, and special occasions
  • "Just-because" desserts you love to make to share with neighbors, co-workers, or classmates

I'll show you how to customize your Delish List to work FOR you. Regardless of your week & all the foods you need to plan, the Delish List can help you plan your weekly meals & recipes in minutes!

No guesswork. No fuss.

Stress-free meal planning, comin' right up!

"The Delish List is the comprehensive kitchen resource I didn't know I needed! Infused with Mauri's home & hospitality expertise, the Delish List is packed full of stellar recipes and inspiration for all my cooking needs, from day-to-day meal planning to seasonal entertaining. With step-by-step instructions and a seriously thorough list of ideas, looking at the Delish List makes me feel like I can't wait to start cooking! And maybe more importantly - I finally feel EQUIPPED to cook, no matter the occasion!"

- Kayse P.

Here's how it works:

In a step-by-step guide (+ some quick & simple video tutorials), I'll walk you through how to:

We're going to start by building a foundation of all the meals & foods you and your family already love to eat.

Then, using your cheat sheet as a launching pad, I'll show you how to build your Delish List - your big master list of meals - using the (free) Trello app with the Delish List template I've created for you. This is the meat & potatoes of the process, and it's going to be a GAME CHANGER for your meal planning.


If you purchase the STARTER PACK:
You'll receive a blank Trello template for you to fill out yourself. I've provided the meal/recipe categories for you, but you'll go in and add all of the recipes yourself.

(The Starter Pack template is perfect for you if you already have a wide selection of recipes and aren't looking to add a bunch of new & fresh ideas to your weekly meals.)

If you purchase the DELUXE PACK:
You'll receive a robust Trello template with 350+ meticulously categorized, organized links to tasty, highly-rated recipes (that I've personally spent hours vetting by researching & reading reviews - the vast majority of them have a 4.7-5 star rating with dozens of reviews) that you can easily edit to your taste. This template will give you a strong base from which to start customizing your own Delish List.

(The Deluxe Pack is perfect for you if you want to easily add trusted new meal & recipe ideas to your weekly meals without having to spend tons of time yourself thinking of recipes & doing the research to find good ones!)

(You'll get more details on the differences between the Starter Pack & the Deluxe Pack - and which one might be best for you - in the next section!)

Lastly, I'll show you how to put your Delish List to work FOR you so that you can create your plan in just 5-10 minutes each week.

After you customize your Delish List, you'll be amazed at how just a little bit of elbow grease up front can help you create a meal planning system that runs like a well-oiled machine.

Want to check out what's inside Delish List?

Here's a snapshot of what comes in each pack:

Let's dive in & look at all the details of what's inside:

Step-by-Step Delish List Guide
(Included in both Starter & Deluxe Packs)

In this lovely guide, I'll walk you through how to:

  • Create a cheat sheet of your family's favorite meals - the foundation of your Delish List
  • EASILY and QUICKLY plan your meals around whatever schedule your week brings
  • Create/customize your Delish List in the Trello app
  • Use your Delish List so that it only takes you 5-10 minutes to make a list of everything you're going to make that week.

Plus, I also walk you through some game-changing meal planning tips. I'm just going to come right out and say it: this guide is like meal planning GOLD.

Meal & Side Ideas Lists
(Included in both Starter & Deluxe Packs)

When you're looking for fresh ideas to add to your meal rotation, it's not very helpful to get a generic list, is it?

Gee, thanks, I hadn't already thought about making tacos. 🤔

In these lists, I provide you with over 200 well-organized ideas to help you begin customizing your Delish List. The side dish ideas are even organized so well that you could put together a full menu in a snap!

Family Favorites Cheat Sheet

(Starter Pack includes: 1 printable design option; Deluxe Pack includes: 4 printable design options that are also editable in Google Docs)

You'll use the Delish List Step-by-Step Guide to walk you through how to create your Family Favorites Cheat Sheet, which will help you set the foundation for your Delish List! (And believe me, you're going to wonder why in the world you didn't do something like this sooner!)

Delish List Trello Template
THIS will be your Delish List: your all-in-one custom master list of ideas & recipes!

(Starter Pack includes: Blank Trello template with categories; Deluxe Pack includes: Robust Trello template with over 350 organized, categorized, highly-rated recipes for everyday cooking)


  • ORGANIZED and CATEGORIZED links to over 350 highly-rated recipes (i.e. the vast majority of the recipes have 4.7-5 stars with dozens of reviews - I've done the homework so you don't have to)
  • Recipes with reasonably common ingredients & cooking methods (i.e. there's LOTS of variety without getting too obscure)
  • Some "fun" recipes that are perfect for when you're having company or want to have a decadent meal with your fam, but the majority of the recipes are well-rounded and nutritious
  • Labels on each recipe according to certain "qualities" they have to make them VERY easy to search - "quick prep," "makes good leftovers," "perfect for company," "one pot meal," "freezer meal," "kid-friendly," etc. Many recipes have more than one label.
  • Recipes with a seasonal tag, meaning if you want to only look at meals that are for spring/summer or fall/winter, you can easily filter them to display only those recipe ideas.
  • You'll also get: dozens of categorized side dish ideas + links, dozens of common dessert ideas + links, everyday snack ideas, and common snack ideas + links for when you're having company

The Deluxe Pack template is perfect for you if you're looking to add new and fresh ideas to your meal planning list without having to start from scratch. The template is 100% editable - you can EASILY remove any of the recipes I've included on there, add your own, change labels, reorganize/categorize everything, etc.


  • A blank template with categories of various main dishes & side dishes to help you know where to get started & keep you organized as you build your Delish List from scratch

The Starter Pack template is perfect for you if you've already got a large mass of recipes that you & your family enjoy & really don't need to add a bunch of new ideas (this template will help you create an organized list of all those recipes!), OR if you follow a very particular diet and wouldn't find it helpful to have an already-curated list of recipes & would rather build your Delish List from scratch.

After you complete you Delish List, you're going to wonder how you ever survived meal planning without it. It really is going to be your new meal planning BFF.

Master Grocery List Template

(Starter Pack includes: Printable master list; Deluxe Pack includes: Printable AND editable master list)

The Master Grocery List template: basically the icing on the cake of an already super helpful meal planning tool.

I'm all about helping you save time every week. Your Delish List will save you a ton of time on meal planning. Your Master Grocery List will save you a ton of time on making your grocery list.

The Master Grocery List includes:

  • All of the main areas and aisles of the grocery store
  • Every common ingredient I could possibly think of that someone might purchase at least once or twice a month
  • Blank spaces in each category for you to write in additional items on any given week

IN THE STARTER PACK: you'll receive a printable Master Grocery List

IN THE DELUXE PACK: you'll receive an editable Master Grocery List template that you can easily edit in Google Docs (and then print out to use week after week). Customize it ONCE in Google according to all your grocery list "regulars," and then print it & use it week after week to make your list.

But wait, there's more!

With the Deluxe Pack, you'll also get two AMAZING bonuses!

It just keeps on gettin' better!

BONUS #1: Quick Weeknight Meals List

On the Deluxe Pack Delish List template, I added a list of our 24 favorite QUICK (and absolutely DELICIOUS) weeknight meals!

The meals on this list are:

  • Hearty & nutritious (well, except the Instant Pot mac & cheese, but I couldn't deprive you of that bowl of heaven!)
  • EASY and QUICK to prep!
  • Full of variety!

You'll get links to the recipes + my serving suggestions in the notes on the Delish List template!

BONUS #2: Pretty Printable Meal Planning Pages

Now that your Delish List makes meal planning more fun, writing it down should be fun, too!

Print out these pages, write down your weekly meal plan on them each week, and then stick it to your refrigerator or put it on a cute kitchen clipboard frame!

Get these bonuses for FREE when you purchase the Delish List DELUXE PACK!

"This is SO great. I just love it. I love all of the lists & categories on the Delish List template. The tutorial videos are so helpful and make it clear exactly what to do - you definitely don't need to be tech-savvy to understand how to use this! I love the brilliant system that Mauri came up with for how to sort & filter recipes so they're easy to find, and the guide is amazing - fun, colorful, and well-organized...it's a JOY to read.

Mauri is such a good teacher, and this is such a super cool system. Delicious, enjoyable meals that work for your family's life...it is all those things! I'm over the moon thrilled with this product!"

- Beth Anne S.

Believe me, you're not the only one on the meal planning struggle bus.

For years, I felt like I was the one DRIVING the meal planning struggle bus!

Even though I really enjoy feeding my family and KNOW the power of building community with others at the table, it used to feel SO DAUNTING to create my meal plan each week.

Every week, I’d rack my brain to think through sooooo many things in order to come up with our meal plan:

What are all our favorites again? What seasonal meals do I want to make this week? What activities and obligations do I need to plan around? Do we have friends/family joining us for any meals? How can I toss in some variety? Make sure our meals are nutritious?

And then 5 hours later, I'd figure out my meal plan and could finally launch this spaceship to the moon make my grocery list and head to the store.

I wondered if it was just me, or if anyone else wrestled with this, too.

So, I reached out to several others and asked, with no context to my question:

"What's the #1 one thing that would make meal planning easier for you?"

Almost EVERY SINGLE ONE said it would be to have a big master list of their family's favorite meals & other go-to meal ideas that their family would enjoy.

I see, so it's not just me who needs this! I knew it was time to sit down and create this thing.

And, as with everything I do 🤪, I spent a ton of time and ended up (accidentally, but awesomely) creating the Master of all Master Meal Lists, and I'm convinced it'll help you take the stress and decision fatigue out of planning each week!

This day & age, I'm 100% convinced that our little 'ole dinner tables have a greater impact on lives than any of us can imagine, so I hope your Delish List frees you up to enjoy more time building community over good food!

"This Delish List product is just so beautiful. Trello is such a neat tool! This really includes so much bonus material that will be so helpful."

- Lauren M.

Delish List is your EASY to use, EASY to customize, LONG-TERM solution to your meal planning struggles!

You'll LOVE Delish List because it'll help you:

  • Simplify menu planning. Not just meal planning, but the whole shebang! The Delish List guide will help you plan meals with main dishes + sides in minutes.
  • Strategically plan your meals based on your weekly schedule. Not all days are the same, so your meals shouldn't be either!
  • Plan a variety of delicious, nutritious meals to serve around your table each week without the decision fatigue that often comes with trying to keep meal planning fresh & fun.
  • Keep all of your family favorite recipes (for EVERYTHING, not just main dishes) organized in ONE GLORIOUS SPOT. Your Delish List is super easy to customize, categorize, and organize based on your preferences.
  • Plan your meals seasonally! (I mean, I love me some soup, but not in July. #nothanks)

And, once you finish customizing your Delish List, you'll be able to easily access & edit it anytime, anywhere using your mobile device!

"I love all of the different categories! I have never seen other meal planning strategies organized like this. I'm really excited about this concept!"

- Elizabeth M.

What makes the Delish List different from other recipe lists and meal planning methods?

I'm so glad you asked! Let me tell you!

  • It's strategically organized & categorized so you can much more easily keep track of and decide on recipes to make each week.
  • You get to create a recipe list based on YOUR preferences, including your own family's favorite meals. No more following boring or irrelevant meal plans that don't work for you and your family!
  • Each recipe has certain labels that help you sort them by your preferences REALLY quickly. Labels such as "quick prep," "perfect for company," "makes great leftovers," and "kid favorite." Even sort recipes by season!
  • All the recipes included on the Trello template (in the Deluxe Pack ONLY) have REALLY good reviews. I've spent (an embarrassingly large amount of) hours doing all the research for you. No wasting your time on recipe duds!
  • You can make your Delish List your ONE place where you keep track of ALL of your recipes. ALL recipe types and recipes from ANY location - online, your cookbooks, recipe cards, etc.

Friend, it's time to toss your other ineffective meal planning methods and all the overwhelm out the window!

I can’t wait for you to dive in, experience the wonders of stress-free weekly meal planning, and claim back SO MUCH OF YOUR TIME each week.

Will Delish List work for you?

You'll LOVE this if:

  • You don't like cooking the same thing over and over again but get overwhelmed looking at the hundreds of unorganized recipe ideas on your Pinterest boards
  • You don't have a system for choosing certain recipes that specifically work with your schedule & all of your food needs in a given week
  • You want to save time on meal planning without having to compromise on quality, flavor, and variety of meals

This isn't for you if:

  • You're only meal planning because you need to stay on a strict diet or budget.
  • You don't care about repeating meals all the time.
  • You already have a meal planning system that works for you & don't need a specific method for organizing your recipes

Have some questions?

How will I get the product after I purchase?

Within a few minutes of your purchase, you'll receive an email with all the links to download the items in the Delish List! (You will receive a DIGITAL product in your email; nothing will physically be mailed to your address.)

What types of meals are on the Delish List template (in the Deluxe Pack)?

A HUGE variety! I spent hours (that turned into days, that turned into weeks) thinking through absolutely every common recipe Americans might make, and then creating a gigantic list of those recipes in the template. Many are more common, some are less common, but very few are obscure. Lots of different flavors, cuisines, cooking methods, etc. but most, if not all, will be fairly familiar!

How do I know I'll like the meals you chose on the Deluxe Pack Delish List template?

First, it's VERY easy to scan the template and delete out meals you don't think you and your family would like. So, no problem there! But two, that's one of the huge advantages of this template - I've already done all the work FOR you in finding recipes that have great ratings & reviews, so that you can at least go in with confidence that a lot of people have tried and liked these recipes.

How long will it take me to customize my Delish List?

Short answer: 2-3 hours, just depending on how detailed you want to make it.

Longer answer:
If you purchase the Deluxe Pack with the done-for-you Trello board, unless you and your family follow a very particular diet, the process of customizing your Delish List AND ending up with a VERY robust, trusted master list of meals, will save you a lot of work and time.

What is the Trello app?

Trello is an AWESOME list-making app that allows you to organize, categorize, and label list items so that they're very easily searchable. It's also very simple to learn and use - there shouldn't be much of a learning curve to understand it! You can easily use it on your mobile device AND your computer.

And yes, the FREE version of Trello works just fine for your Delish List!

How do I know if Delish List will work for me?

Here's what you need to know:

  • The Delish List is what you make it. If you follow the steps I lay out in the guide and are willing to put in 2-3 hours of your own time to curate your custom list, I'm very confident your meal planning will take you WAY less time each week.
  • This system isn't for everyone. If you want a done-for-you SYSTEM where a business is sending you meal plans each week with exactly what you're going to make on which days and an exact grocery list of everything you need, this isn't for you! The Delish List is ideal for women who want to feel much more organized and less overwhelmed with the planning process, but who WANT to be able to plan their meals with their own favorite foods and preferences.

What if I'm not tech-savvy?

Whew, I'm not either! Just thinking about techy things makes my palms sweaty. Delish List is super easy to use, and I provide quick and easy-to-follow video tutorials to walk you through how to create and organize your Delish List!

I'm committed to offering you a HIGH-QUALITY, HIGH-VALUE product, and I sincerely believe that Delish List will make your meal planning life easier & more enjoyable! If you have any questions or concerns after your purchase, please email mauri@theamericanpatriette.com and I'd love to help you make Delish List work for your meal planning!

"I am super impressed with the Delish List! It's visually incredible, easy to follow, and practical. I love the cheat sheet idea! Mauri provides great meal categories, and I love how the meals are listed and broken up. I can tell she spent many, many hours perfecting this!"

- Katy T.

Ready to stop the meal planning madness?

It's time to start meal planning in a way that actually works with your preferences & your schedule.

Let your Delish List help you plan meals your family loves...without decision fatigue, tons of time, and confining yourself to a boring meal plan!

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase the Delish List Deluxe Pack:

  • Delish List Step-by-Step Guide
  • Meal & Side Ideas List
  • Done-for-You Delish List Template (with fully organized & categorized list of over 350 highly rated recipes - you can EASILY edit this template to remove any recipes and add in your own!)
  • Done-for-You EDITABLE Master Grocery List Template (fully customizable - customize it once to your grocery list preferences and then use it week after week!)
  • EDITABLE Family Favorites Cheat Sheet Templates (includes 4 designs to choose from)
  • BONUS: List of my 24 favorite go-to quick weeknight family meals (+ links to the recipes)
  • BONUS: Pretty Weekly Meal Plan Printables (4 designs included)

Buy today for $59

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